Friday, November 30, 2007

The Best Birthday Present Ever

My friend Kelsey is a notoriously thoughtful creature. The kind who sends thank you notes when you've had a good conversation, postcards from foreign lands, and sweatshirts with logos that double as inside jokes. She is truly a specimen.

We were chatting on google today (my most vicious vice) and I told her it is my birthday right off the bat, because I think it can be pretty rough to find out that kind of thing halfway into a conversation and end up feeling dumb. Five minutes later, she told me she had a present for me. Here it is. I think you all might get a kick out of it. Although, I must admit, I think I more closely resemble the canine model than the Swede.

Thanks Kelsey. You know how to make a girl feel special.

1 comment:

Zillah said...

Happy bdiddy! I'm sorry that I can't make it tonight, but I long to give you a good old birthday squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze.