Sunday, February 3, 2008

For a good time

Go here and discover your horrifying likeness.

I did.
So did Ryan.

See how fun? Go ahead. Waste a few minutes. When you see how ugly you look as a Simpson's character, you'll thank me.


Tree Peeps said...

how did they know you would wear a strange penguin shirt!

missy. said...

love it. did they choose the t-shirt designs, or did you? if they chose it for you...uncanny.

i did this a couple of months ago for the three of us...kya came out very cute and maggie-like (no surprise there, right?) it's in my blog archive somewhere.

austinmcraig said...

HA! That really does work pretty well. Yours especially.

Jen said...

I think Ryan and my dear Alex would have the same design on the front of their shirts, except Alex's shirt would be fujifilm green...