I do this because it is the funniest shirt anyone has ever seen, by far, and you know it.
I guess I could go through and point out how inherently funny it is to list "All you've got" on a christmas wish list, or to ask for unlimited credit instead of, say, unlimited money. I could specifically mention how weirdly genius it is to request a condo, instead of a mansion, in Palm Springs, instead of somewhere cool. And, if I really wanted to state the obvious, I would tell you all about the first time I found myself at the end of the list for the very first time, reading the words "ninety seven thousand dollars" and i very nearly wet my pants. But, thinking better of it, I suppose I will just let you discover all the subtle layers of complexity in this most treasured of christmas sweatshirts for yourself.
One Million Billion thanks to Kate, who bought this sweatshirt for a tiny fireman she was dating who then, under extreme duress, gave it to me.
From this we can conclude that all the Kates I know have a really acute sense of christmas humor.
Actually, that does beat the one I gave my brother that said, "It ain't over til the fat man brings." And that's saying something.
It's like reading the scriptures there are so many levels.
Someone's friend named Ariel got them this:
It's no kate gift, but pretty funny anyway.
You know Amy, between this and the pumpkin outfit and the birthday suit, I gotta say, you're a lot crazier than I ever thought you were. I kind of love it.
zillah, it is imperative that you check out the link kelsey posted. it might just change your life.
I just bid on that ornament on Ebay... for my mother's Christmas present. Turns out her first concert was Alice Cooper. Ha!
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